Qhuav Resin Pob Zeb Diamond Polishing Pads

  • Z-LION Patented concrete polishing pad for wet and dry use

    Z-LION Patented pob zeb polishing ncoo rau ntub thiab qhuav siv

    Z-LION 16KD resin daim ntawv cog lus pob zeb polishing ncoo yog lwm patented khoom ntawm Z-LION.Cov qauv saum npoo tshwj xeeb tsim thiab muaj los ntawm Z-LION nkaus xwb.Nws yog ntau yam polishing ncoo uas tuaj yeem siv ob qho tib si qhuav thiab ntub.Feem ntau siv nyob rau hauv cov kauj ruam kawg ntawm cov pob zeb hauv pem teb polishing txheej txheem, muab koj ceev polishing ceev, siab dua clarity thiab gloss ci tsis muaj discoloring los yog swirls.

  • Z-LION Light colored resin diamond polishing pads for concrete floor polishing

    Z-LION Lub teeb xim pob zeb diamond polishing ncoo rau pob zeb hauv pem teb polishing

    Z-LION 123AW lub teeb xim pob zeb diamond polishing pads yog dawb / cream xim.Lawv yog cov nrov hloov tau yooj yim polishing pads hauv pob zeb hauv pem teb polishing kev lag luam.Siv dav hauv kev taug kev-qab polishing tshuab rau pem teb polishing lossis ntawm tes tuav polishers rau ntug ua haujlwm.Lub teeb xim resin yuav tsis cuam tshuam rau hauv pem teb.Cov ntaub qhwv tuaj yeem ua haujlwm nrog dej lossis tsis muaj dej.

  • Dry resin diamond polishing pad for concrete floor polishing

    Qhuav pob zeb diamond polishing ncoo rau pob zeb hauv pem teb polishing

    Qhuav pob zeb diamond polishing pads yog tsim los rau qhuav polishing ntawm pob zeb hauv pem teb.Ua los ntawm cov pob zeb diamond zoo thiab kub resistant dawb resin kom zoo zoo qhuav polish tsis muaj resin hloov.Zoo clarity thiab siab gloss.

  • Typhoon pattern dry resin polishing pad for concrete floor polishing

    Typhoon qauv qhuav cob polishing ncoo rau pob zeb hauv pem teb polishing

    Z-LION 16KW Typhoon qauv qhuav resin polishing ncoo yog kev lag luam polishing ncoo rau qhuav polishing ntawm cov pob zeb hauv pem teb los yog cov cement puag terrazzo pem teb.Typhoon tsim kom ntseeg tau siab khawb qhov tshem tawm tus nqi thiab muab cov channeling zoo rau plua plav.Cov xim dawb ua rau nws tsis tshua muaj xim av.

  • Turbo pattern dry resin diamond polishing pad for concrete floor polishing

    Turbo qauv qhuav cob pob zeb diamond polishing ncoo rau pob zeb hauv pem teb polishing

    Z-LION 16KR Turbo qauv qhuav cob pob zeb diamond polishing pads yog siv nyob rau hauv theem kawg ntawm cov pob zeb hauv pem teb polishing txheej txheem kom tshem tawm khawb thiab ci.Ua nrog hwm zoo pob zeb diamond thiab kub kub resin, zoo heev rau qhuav polishing.Turbo tsim muab zoo channeling rau plua plav.

  • Oval dry resin polishing pad for concrete floor polishing

    Oval qhuav resin polishing ncoo rau pob zeb hauv pem teb polishing

    Z-LION 16V oval qhuav resin polishing ncoo yog nyob rau hauv oval zoo uas yog txawv heev los ntawm ib txwm puag ncig zoo polishing ncoo.Thiab nws los nrog nuv velcro nyob rau tom qab es tsis txhob voj velcro uas yog siv rau cov tsoos puag ncig cov ntaub qhwv.Lub ncoo feem ntau yog txuas nrog lub taub loj ntawm daim txhuam cev fiber ntau thiab siv los ua buffing ncoo zoo li VorteX ncoo.Tsim los rau qhuav polishing ntawm qhob pem teb.
  • Sunflower resin diamond polishing pad for concrete floor polishing

    Sunflower cob pob zeb diamond polishing ncoo rau pob zeb hauv pem teb polishing

    Z-LION 16SF sunflower resin pob zeb diamond polishing ncoo tuaj yeem siv ob qho tib si ntub thiab qhuav.Sunflower / Rose qauv tsim kom muaj kev sib txhuam ntau dua ntawm cov pob zeb hauv pem teb muab smoother polish thiab zoo dua clarity.Feem ntau yog siv los ua cov kauj ruam kawg ntawm cov pob zeb hauv pem teb polishing txheej txheem kom ua tiav daim iav ci thiab siab reflectivity pem teb nto.

  • Super shine dry resin polishing pads for concrete floor polishing

    Super ci qhuav resin polishing pads rau pob zeb hauv pem teb polishing

    Z-LION 123K super ci qhuav resin polishing pads muaj cov duab ntsej muag tsim nrog me me square thiab puag ncig cov ntu.Cov qauv tsim tshwj xeeb thiab hloov kho cov qauv ua rau lub ncoo tuaj yeem txo qis RA ntawm pob zeb nto uas polished los ntawm lub ncoo heev.Nws yog tsim los rau qhuav polishing, kom tau siab dua clarity thiab super ci polished pob zeb pem teb.

  • Dot pattern dry resin polishing pad for concrete floor polishing

    Dot qauv qhuav cob polishing ncoo rau pob zeb pem teb polishing

    Z-LION 16E Dot qauv qhuav cob polishing ncoo yog 3.5mm tuab pem teb polishing ncoo.Cov qauv ntawm no polishing ncoo yog tib yam li ZL-16AD uas yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws muag qhuav resin polishing ncoo ntawm Z-LION.Nrog thinner ua hauj lwm nto no ncoo nqi tsawg tshaj li 10.5 hli tuab 16AD, zoo heev rau tej yaam num me me uas tsis muaj peev xwm.

  • 6-post diamond resin pucks for dry polishing of concrete floors

    6-post pob zeb diamond resin pucks rau qhuav polishing ntawm pob zeb hauv pem teb

    Z-LION 16Q 6-post pob zeb diamond resin puck yog 2inch yas puag cov cuab yeej nrog 6 cov ntawv sau nrog cov pob zeb diamond ntu ntu.Feem ntau siv tom qab 16QH hybrid transitional pucks rau qhuav polishing ntawm pob zeb hauv pem teb.Lub puck txuas mus rau cov cuab yeej ntawm cov cuab yeej hauv pem teb los ntawm velcro thaub qab thiab tuav hauv qhov chaw los ntawm cov yas peg nyob rau sab nraum qab ntawm txhua lub puck.Feem ntau siv rau CPS pem teb grinders.